InsureMyCareer is an ongoing national campaign aimed at attracting young adults entering the workforce and job-changers of any age to the insurance industry. Great careers within this industry are becoming more and more available as older generations retire, and raising awareness is key in attracting talent.

Work related to this campaign: Website Design, Social Media Ads, Email Marketing, Video Production, and Branding.


Yes4Caz was an initiative of the Cazenovia Community Foundation to support the Cazenovia CSD Capital Improvement Project. The vote passed in March of 2023.

Work related to this campaign: Logo Design, Social Media Ads, Information Flyers, Window Decals, Posters, and Yard Signs.


Catalyit is a start-up that helps insurance agencies navigate the seemingly endless technology options available to them. Catalyit sources technology platforms and solutions, delivers first-hand reviews and ratings, and has built a training module that will help them win while running a successful agency, managing a team, and serving customers. By doing what they do best, Catalyit empowers agencies to do what they do best…but even better.

Work related to this campaign: Informational flyers, social media marketing, website maintenance, digital ads, and email marketing.

ten tons of love

Ten Tons of Love is a campaign encouraging donations to support members of the campus and local communities. Clothing and household items are donated to the Rescue Mission to support efforts of addressing hunger and homelessness, Collected non-perishable food items support the Hendricks Chapel Food Pantry.

Work related to this campaign: Logo Design, Posters, Checklists, and Social Media Graphics.




Digital Marketing